Monday, March 30, 2009


Sakit ati ku tok...awl2 pg aku dh sakit ati...
knk nya perlu bulak aku owhh...aku pantang mun org bulak ngan aku..
pa kah faedahnya tek?x juak nya dpt duit?
x juak org muji nya....
ishhh bodoe aieee..
benar2 aku sakit ati...
dr dlk lg aku dh mdh trus-trang ngan aku...
x maok...dh d tyk lak xda pa2 jwpannya..
Ya Allah!!
Tuhan jak tauk cam ney prasaan aku knk tok..
muka lak bkn main gk bait!
dlk bkn main gk mdh ngan aku nya bkn playbboy!
geram tahap dewa aku tok...
xsbr aku nk jmpa nya aiee...
dh ngerodak ati ku tok!!!

p/s: Org yg aku mksdkan bkn cynk ku..P sumone yg aku bnr2 cyk lmk tok!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Tepat jam 6.45am,26 tahun yg lps lahirlah seorang bayi perempuan sulung kepada pasangan Hj Taip Bin Haji Hiprawi dan isteri Norashikin bin Abdul Ghani.Yg d br nama Amirza Baizurin Binti Taip..

heheeheee.. bujat da jak....
Hari tok genap lah aku 26..lagi 4 thn 30..warrgghhhh.Tapi umur skadar angka..yg penting KITA ENJOY!

huhuuuu..cynk xda..sedih weiiiiiii..
mlm td,cun2 kol 12 cynk kol..wish me Happy Bday!N he felt sorry coz this yr xsmpt br hadiah cun2 on my birthday... n cynk promise nya br hadiah bila nya blt ctok lak...Yayyyy!!!!!bkn hadiah,tp cynk akn blt utk cuti..4 days only okay....pas ya nya akn trus ke Taiping..sambung training..sampey abis raya!!!

Raya tu woiiiii!!!!! aku hrp segalanya seperti kehendak-Nya,rezeki ku melimpah,kawen (of course)..n sihat walafiat..

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'll b missing u..

sy rindu dia..xder org nk gaduh ngn sy..xder org nk mrh2 rindu dia kutuk2 sy..
xder org nk gaduh ngn sy sbb nk tkr chanel radio..

dia kasi sy ini b4 dia p training..

bila dia mau balek?mak aiiiii....bosan laaaaaaa....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Kame Hame Haaaaaaa!!!!!!!

2 mggu tok mmg dlm blog2 byk cita ttg cita Dragonball. aku pun sama lah juak..Mlm td br ada kesempatan g ngn adik2 aku n tunangnya.. cita ya nang best..p kira cita ya ada sambung gk..coz bg aku lah,tok juz introduction jak.. Goku, Master Roshi,Chi Chi, Yamcha,Bulma, Picolo n apa nama pompuan ngn Picolo ya aku x ingt namanya..

P nak,yg aku heran teklah,umo cdak tek 18 p knk lah c Chi chi ya tua glak mukanya.x pdn trus ngn Goku. Sedangkan dlm komik n cita katon ya bkn main gk cute mukanya..knk nya x ambik Zhang Zi Yii kh,Brenda Song kh..adalah muda kit.Yamcha juak..Pelakon Hong Kong ya,xknk juak jd Yamcha.Tua bh mukanya..C Yamcha ya bley la diketegorikan sorg ya hensem(dlm komik n cita katon)..Mayb mun amik cdak tok murh ckit kot bayarannya..hhhaehhee..Bulma cute..samacam komik n katon nya tek..

K nk,yg aku heran teklah,Goku d ptg ekor ms nya kecik gk..ney dtg umo nya 18 br nya tauk yg nya tek Oozaru..yalah..bak kata adik aku.mun maok ngga kisahnya dr kecik tgga jak cit katonnya..hahahahah

Overall,5 stars n aku x sbr nggu sambungannya.. Fast n Furious best juak ehz.. Van Diesel blakon..(aie heh..melelat)hahaha

Personality Test

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
~ yer...adalah bena..

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
~ yup..betul..betul..netul..

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
~ until i meet my hby b0o..

Jealousy Test

Jealousy Level: 55%

You are a jealous person but you try not to let it show.You often get very jealous of others but you are successful at controlling your emotions publicly. When you feel that other people are winning things that you deserve, you get very upset, but you won't hurt anybody else by making a scene. Your jealousy is private. You might, for example, cry yourself to sleep at night when you get really jealous of someone.
~ of course..jeles dgn cara sihat..n x nyakit ati sapa2..


How you control your husband, who will lead the family and who will be led?You will never expect to control your boyfriend or husband. Your boyfriend and you will take turns to make decision and the decision is often acceptable to both of you. Whatever you want to let him know, you can just tell him straightforwardly. This is a good relationship, a pretty modern one.
~ dats y mek 2 dpt btahan sampey knk tok..dh 5 thn..

Your Marriage

How will you choose your Mr Right?You will make the most of being able to shop around for Mr Right. You love your freedom and will have a lot of fun learning about what sort of man you like. When you do find the guy for you, nobody will be able to keep you away from the church.
Who will be your future Mr Right?Your future hubby will be lovely and sweet, but a little immature - possibly even a spoilt brat! This guy will trigger your maternal instinct. You'll always be willing to watch his back and clean up his mess. He might be the same age as you are or even younger.
~younger than me,of course..heheh

When will you get married?

You will be very determined and thorough in choosing a spouse. You'll study every detail about your man before saying yes to a life of love. You will eventually make a good choice, but you'd better be sure that he's willing to wait that long.
~ of course he will..

What sort of wife will you be?

You are a bit tricky. You might pretend to be a sensitive and caring wife in his eyes, but you'll be ready to laugh at him behind his back and eventually you may even leave him for another man.
Will you and your husband have a good time together?You and your spouse will choose to spend time on more romantic activities. You won't end up quite as healthy, but you'll have plenty of fun going out for drinks, watching concerts or playing cards at home with other friends.
~ mak aiiii..jahat I dat bad??nauzubillah..x minta ehz..adakah?mun blom kawen gk dpt accept..p mun dh kawen,x cium pun bau syurga...

What will your children be like?

Your kids will be very naughty. They will often get into trouble but you will have a great time bringing these fun-loving kids up. They are lively and smart.
~ aku sentiasa bersedia..sbb adik2 aku knk tok dh umpama anak2 ku..

How loyal are you?

You get along very well with most guys. Sometimes your friendliness misleads others to think that you're a bit of a flirt, but actually you've got a loyal heart. You'll never have eyes for anyone except your beloved husband.
~luv my hby b0o..

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
~serious n stick 2 1 person..even byk godaan n dugaan masa tok..huhuuuu

Your views on education:

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
~ yer ker?

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
~ mmg unpredictable.. n mmg btol pun discription tok..

The Real You

Here is the analysis:

You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.

You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties.
You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
-You are a shopaholic. You love to shop until you drop.
-You want to be famous. Becoming an actress or a singer would be a dream come true for you.

What's your personality love style?

Here is the analysis:

Love at first sight is your style. You are not fussy about who you fall for, and often there seems to be no rational reason for you deciding to love someone, it just happens and you'll follow your heart. When you do fall for someone, you fall completely. Your love is somewhat child-like, or what people like to call "puppy love". While following your heart is important, you should also remember to use your head occasionally

What type of personality do you have?

Kind and GentleYour kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.

Love and Your Sweetheart

Your man is a lot of fun to be with. His talk is charming and because of this he always seems to be surrounded by girls. You'll just have to live with this and not let it bother you. If you let him know you're jealous, it's likely that he would turn his back on you without too many second thoughts. To be with him, you have to give him plenty of room to move, trust him, and allow him to be independent. You should also remember to be independent yourself. He enjoys going out to parties and likes you to have fun along with him too, so make the most of his love of life.

Is He The One For You?

Success Rate In Relationships: 71%

Your relationship is moving forward. Just don't trip over.You and him would be typical young lovers. It would not be all sweet and romantic if you got together, sometimes you would argue or get confused, but those elements would only make your relationship more exciting. At the moment you are probably assuming that he likes you, but sometimes you might not be so sure. Don't worry, you can be sure that he also feels the same way. When both of you sense special feeling towards each other, your relationship is certainly growing. What you should do is try to express your feelings a little more and learn more about him.

Thursday, March 05, 2009


Last 2 days aku amik cuti..Selasa n Rabu.. Tunang aku dpt surat,keja actually. Di Selangor.. Bulak lah aku mdh aku x trasa.. brebut.. dpt surat penempatan pun ari Jumaat. Masa tok aku terlalu rindu ngnnya aieeee..

Benalh kata org,bila dh jauh br kita phm ngn keadaan.Aku bowink.. Xda org ngn aku klaie.. xda org nk mrh2 aku.. Xda org temankan aku g lunch,dinner, xda org nk mrh2 aku shopping x abis2....Aku rindu cynk.. Aku nk nangis aie..

out of our expectation..

B4 tok mek 2 pk yg nya akn d hantar dlm Swak jak..Or at least ke Sabah.. P bila dh ke Selangor, aku x tauk apa prasaan aku.. mayb bg sesetngh org ya hal remeh. Keja bh..P bg aku, dh 5 thn mek couple, dh 10 bln mek 2 btunang.. x pnh aku pk yg nya akn d hantar menyeberangi Laut China Selatan ya.. mek 2 x pnh jauh utk jangka ms yg lmk cam tok..

Marek last mek2 g shopping sm..bli suma brg2 kperluan utk d cnun..cynk smpt blikan aku babt-t body glove(its cute), n slipar (FOS)..pas ya mek 2 spend ms kat Apple Doughnut.. xpat aku thn aek mata aku guguk .. yg aku tauk bkn senang utk aku sorg2 tnpa nya.. tgh mkn ya cynk 'surprise'kan aku.. nya br White Gold ring ( n its not a white gold plated ring!) utk aku.. makin deras aek mata aku.. Ms ya aku tauk yg aku terlalu sygkannya,n aku tauk yg cynk bnr2 n terlalu sygkan aku..

Aku nak nangis.. dh xpat thn gk aek mata tok..

ms tok aku dh xda mood nk keja..

Aku rindu cynk..

Rindu ktk peluk mek..

RIndu ktk bli mum2 k kmk..

Mek wwwinnnnnduuuuuuuu..............

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Only You

I Luv U b.. really2 do..


'till the end of time..

Monday, February 16, 2009


Photo by Zee..Promote sehhh....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

12 Aurat Wanita

1. Bulu kening
— Menurut Bukhari, Rasullulah melaknat perempuan yang mencukur atau menipiskan bulu kening atau meminta supaya dicukurkan bulu kening
- Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Abu Daud Fi Fathil Bari .

2. Kaki (tumit kaki) semacam hantu loceng
— Dan janganlah mereka (perempuan) membentakkan kaki (atau mengangkatnya) agar diketahui perhiasan yang mereka sembunyikan - Petikan dari Surah An-Nur Ayat 31.
Keterangan : Menampakkan kaki dan menghayunkan/melenggokkan badan mengikut hentakan kaki terutamanya pada mereka yang mengikatnya dengan loceng…jadi hantu loceng…

3. Wangian
— Siapa sahaja wanita yang memakai wangi-wangian kemudian melewati suatu kaum supaya mereka itu mencium baunya, maka wanita itu telah dianggap melakukan zina dan tiap-tiap mata ada zinanya terutamanya hidung yang berserombong kapal kata orang sekarang hidong belang
- Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Nasaii, Ibn Khuzaimah dan Hibban.

4. Dada
— Hendaklah mereka (perempuan) melabuhkan kain tudung hingga menutupi bahagian hadapan dada-dada mereka
- Petikan dari Surah An-Nur Ayat 31.

5. Gigi — Rasullulah melaknat perempuan yang mengikir gigi atau meminta supaya dikikirkan giginya
- Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat At-Thabrani, Dilaknat perempuan yang menjarangkan giginya supaya menjadi cantik, yang merubah ciptaan Allah - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim.

6. Muka dan leher
— Dan tinggallah kamu (perempuan) di rumah kamu dan janganlah kamu menampakkan perhiasan mu seperti orang jahilliah yang dahulu. Keterangan : Bersolek (make-up) dan menurut Maqatil sengaja membiarkan ikatan tudung yang menampakkan leher seperti orang Jahilliyah.

7. Muka dan Tangan
— Asma Binte Abu Bakar telah menemui Rasullulah dengan memakai pakaian yang tipis. Sabda Rasullulah: Wahai Asma! Sesungguhnya seorang gadis yang telah berhaid tidak boleh baginya menzahirkan anggota badan kecuali pergelangan tangan dan wajah saja
- Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Muslim dan Bukhari.

8. Tangan
— Sesungguhnya kepala yang ditusuk dengan besi itu lebih baik daripada menyentuh kaum yang bukan sejenis yang tidak halal baginya - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat At Tabrani dan Baihaqi.

9. Mata
– Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan mukmin hendaklah mereka menundukkan sebahagian dari pemandangannya
- Petikan dari Surah An Nur Ayat 31.Sabda Nabi Muhamad SAW, Jangan sampai pandangan yang satu mengikuti pandangan lainnya. Kamu hanya boleh pandangan yang pertama sahaja manakala pandangan seterusnya tidak dibenarkan hukumnya haram
- Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud dan Tirmidzi.

10. Mulut (suara)
- Janganlah perempuan-perempuan itu terlalu lunak dalam berbicara sehingga berkeinginan orang yang ada perasaan serong dalam hatinya, tetapi ucapkanlah perkataan-perkataan yang baik
- Petikan dari Surah Al Ahzab Ayat 32.Sabda SAW, Sesungguhnya akan ada umat ku yang minum arak yang mereka namakan dengan yang lain, iaitu kepala mereka dilalaikan oleh bunyi-bunyian (muzik) dan penyanyi perempuan, maka Allah akan tenggelamkan mereka itu dalam bumi - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Ibn Majah.

11. Kemaluan
- Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan mukmin, hendaklah mereka menundukkan pandangan mereka dan menjaga kehormatan mereka - Petikan dari Surah An Nur Ayat 31.Apabila seorang perempuan itu solat lima waktu, puasa di bulan Ramadan, menjaga kehormatannya dan mentaati suaminya, maka masuklah ia ke dalam Syurga daripada pintu-pintu yang ia kehendakinya
- Hadis Riwayat Riwayat Al Bazzar.Tiada seorang perempuanpun yang membuka pakaiannya bukan di rumah suaminya, melainkan dia telah membinasakan tabir antaranya dengan Allah
- Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Tirmidzi, Abu Daud dan Ibn Majah.

12. Pakaian
— Barangsiapa memakai pakaian yang berlebih-lebihan terutama yang menjolok mata , maka Allah akan memberikan pakaian kehinaan di hari akhirat nanti - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, An Nasaii dan Ibn Majah.
Petikan dari Surah Al Ahzab Ayat 59.Bermaksud : Hai nabi-nabi katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak perempuanmu dan isteri-isteri orang mukmin, hendaklah mereka memakai baju jilbab (baju labuh dan longgar) yang demikian itu supaya mereka mudah dikenali. Lantaran itu mereka tidak diganggu. Allah maha pengampun lagi maha penyayang.Sesungguhnya sebilangan ahli Neraka ialah perempuan-perempuan yang berpakaian tetapi telanjang yang condong pada maksiat dan menarik orang lain untuk melakukan maksiat. Mereka tidak akan masuk Syurga dan tidak akan mencium baunya
- Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim. Keterangan : Wanita yang berpakaian tipis/jarang, ketat/ membentuk dan berbelah/membuka bahagian-bahagian tertentu.

p/s: Aku dpt tok dr email ms aku kat branch dlk. Sharing is caring..

Friday, February 06, 2009


Hari tok rezeki aku mmg murah..ahahaaa..ada juak org yg sudi anta roti canai telur ngn aku..heheeee..xkan ktk org x rs best?almost everyday ada2 jak org sponsored g bfast.hehee..bayang kan ktk org d tmpt aku..


Smpey2 jak d ofis(blom smpt touch up gk ya) hp dh berbunyi.. cnfrm cdak ajak kuar bf.N setiap kali yalah hidangan pagi aku itu d taja...ahahaaa.. jgn plak pk aku nk menggatal..b4 aku kuar g bfast ngn cdaka ku akn call tunang aku lok..mnta permission..biasalaaaaaaa..

teh tarik yg wajib..yumm..lemak berkrim..

roti canai..mun tringin jak aku akan mkn..

my fav..

laksa penang.. my fav kmbang aek liur..

p maaf la far aku x pnh rs tmpt ya btol2 pndy plh laksa penang tok.asalkan aku tauk tmpat ya ada jual laksa penang aku akn cuba.but 1 pun x pnh sedap..Kdg2 kuah nya cair siot!cam aek mata..Sorry..the thing is mee tok nya tplg ngn kuahnya..actually kuah mee tok d plh k ikan kembong. ikannya d rebus, d buang tulang n brlah isinya d,mun org ya x pndey plh, maka ' berunah' lah rs mee ya.mun nyaman kuah nya,mksdnya'lihai'lah org ya..n sbb yalah aku lbh suka mkn laksa penang aek tgn makku..bkn nk puji. that's my mum..mun ktk org x cyk,call jak aku anytime n aku akn 'SPONSORED' ktk org mkn laksa penang mak aku..ahahaaaa..

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Pa d pk aku ms tok owh???

X tauk ku aieeee...

yalah aku suka glak mun dok sorg2 kat ofis tok..mcm2 jak d ingat,d pk,d rasa,suasana tok x cun na juak ehz..dh jak sejok tok..ofis tok pun 1..cdak tok x pndey sejuk kah?air-cond 'ketam-ketum' jak(ampey juak ketam-ketum ya..hehehee)..

Hah! Bos ku br dtg!12.40pm!! Br msk ofis? Ya br bos..Cnfrm jap gk nya nggh aku..hah!nk bena kata aku tek?

ish..tok nyrh nyawaku lmh tok..jap ah..aku g mengadap lok..

k..dh selesaii..

aie..aie...knk aku boring glak rs tok cm sumthing missing jak..pelik sa ati ku tok aie..knk aku rs cam tok owh..

Dh lmk aku x hang out ngan member2..aku bosan..adeh heh! cam ney mun cynk start training lak owh?Dh lah 4 bln gk ya..Masyaallah..

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Happily ever after

Aku happy glak ari tok..knk nya aku x ptt happy?tok ttg life aku..ya..masa dpn aku.Actually ms tok my fiance otw blt dr tek neman adiknya blt..(adik ipar ku keja d cboo)..smpy jak d ofis,aku dpt msg dr cynk..

Cynk: Mun mek mdh mek nk nikah ngn ktk cm ney syg?
Myza: Mek maok..ktk dh mdh ngn mak x?(ms tok ati ku dh berbunga riang)
Cynk: Jgn ktk pk mek bulak..Sumpah mek bnr2 tok aie...
Myza: Kmk tok main2lah?Ktk dh mdh x?
Cynk: Blt kta rondeng gk.Sbb tok perkara paling baik pnh mek dpt.Ya mek brani mdh cam tok..

hehehee..xbest apa..yalah bkn apa,x bgs tunang lmk2(ya kata org tua lah).Gk pun ms tok dh 9bln mek 2 btunang.mun d ekotkan,perjanjian dlm watiqah ari ya1 yr jak..jd..x lmk lah gk..insyaallahk..doa2kan jak..mun xda aral melintang,jdlah mek 2..AMIN.....

Monday, February 02, 2009


Sy mau 'mengupdate' blog tapi sy tersngatlah sibuk..byk yg nk d olah punya blog sgnt bowringgg!!!!sy sendiri yg lihat pun sudah mau tdo tengok ini blog..sangat lah bosah hoh?Aiyaaaa.. xperlah..nak buat mcm mana?ini blog baru jd akn ambik masa yg agak lama utk d olah bg org yg sibuk mcmm sy nie..heheheeee..

Friday, January 30, 2009

About A Girl

If a girl cries in front of
it means that she couldn't take it

If you take her hand,
she would stay with you for the rest
of your life;
If you let her go,
she couldn't go back to being herself
anymore.A girl wont cry easily,
Except in front of the person
who she love the most,
she becomes weak.

A girl wont cry easily,
only when she loves you the most,
she put down her ego.

Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you
please hold her hands firmly,
she's the one who would stay
with you for the rest of your life.

Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you,
please dont give her up,
maybe bcoz of your decision,
you ruin her life.

When she cry rite in front of you,
When she cry bcoz of you,
Look into her eyes,
Can u see n feel the pain n hurt she's

W­hich other girl have cried
wif pure sincerity,
Infront of you,
And bcoz of you?
She cry not because she is weak,
She cry not bcoz she want sympathy orpity,
She cry,
Because crying silently is no longer
possible,the pain,hurt,n agony have
become too big a burden to be kept

Thin­k about it,
If a girl cry her heart out 2 you,
And all because of you,
Its time to look back on wat u have
Only you will know the answer to it.

Do consider it,
Coz one day,
It may be too late for regrets,
It may be too late to say "i'm sorry".
Ponder­ this message seriously.
Dont do dis to a girl,
You may regret for the rest of yourlife.
Maybe in your life,
she's the only one that love
YOU the most.


Aku berbungka(ceh!nang bhasa srawak benalah) cd2 kat dlm drower..adalah aku nnga cgek cd tertulis 'Aeryn's pic 2008'..erm.mun x silap tok dr nazie.xpalah aku cek.. n toklah pic yg ada dlm cd ya..heheee..pic adikku bertunang..
my mum n mak wa (mak nazie a.k.a kakak makku)

hantaran dr pihak perempuan

duit pembuka mulut & tanda tunang(dalam bentuk gubahan bunga ros)

watiqah pertunangan

uncle aku selaku wakil pihak perempuan

dari pihak lelaki

ahahaaa..dhlah..byk glak nk aku upload lak..ckp2 lah byk tok..lak pic engagment aku..akn menyusul...Tunggguuuuuuuuuuuuu.............


Al-kisahnya mlm td,aku ngga tv. Adik2 ku suma lah gurin2 dpn tv.Coz bpkku xda..(bpkku ngga tv dlm bltnya).tba2 jak..

Emma: Ish..abg bau ehzz..
Azmeer@Abg: Aok lah..bau bunga raya..
Miesha: Deq miesha bau bunga ros..(nya tok nang suka nyampuk)
A-eel: Adeq pun bau bunga juak..
Emma: Adeq bau bunga apa?
A-eel: Bau bunga api!!

Ahahaahhaaaaaaa..aku x tauk lah cney nya dpt idea ya..umo nya br 3 thn 4bln..pas ya nya dpt sekehan manja dr kakak2 nya..sbb kekiutan nya menjwp soklan dgn slumberland nyer...kui..kui..kui

Toklah buah hat pengarang jantung aku...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ya..aku kebosanan..

xda org kat ofis tk..dr pg..aku online jak..smpey aku rs nk nangis..nangis sbb aku xda keja..ahhaaa..pelik2 jak olahan aku tok..


aku blom mkn aie..lpr mmglah lpr..p mls nk g bli mknan..ya jak ujan kat luar ya x pndey brenti..sakit atiku.Canteen ctok buka,p manusianya xda..

Aku lpr...

Aku nk mkn..

Pg td Bojot ajak g bfast..Slh sorg sales advisor aku.ya pun b4 kuar ngannya aku kol tunang ku lok. yalah tkt x bgs d tngga org.gk pun aku tokkn tunang org..hehee..pas mendapat keizinan dr cynk,aku g k keta Bojot..mek 2 g Anjung Selera kat Padawan area.jauh nk?ney gaya..dh tmpt keja aku tok kat tmpt jin bertendang..ahhaa..k,smpey jak kat kedey mkn ya aku mesan roti canai+teh tarik..mknan rutin org Malaysia..lmk juaklah mek 2 kat cya..bloyar punya bloyar smpey kol 9.15!dh 1jam lbh mek 2 kat cya..

Smpey ofis,nasib bos aku blom dtg..Aku ngga Leony(1 of our sales advisors) dh ada kat counter..aku nait atas n cuba utk memulakan rutin keja aku. p malang nya cubaan ku tidak berjaya..sbbnya?sbbnya x da keja nk d plh..aku cuba membz kan drk..aku call Ambank.Cr pompuan yg incharge psl floor plan keta tok..Adoimak!!nya msh on leave..msh Gong Xi.Aku call sorg gk pompuan ya..


Pa gk owh?aku ngga organizer (dr Ambank)..ya jak..Adoi!Matilah aku kalau hari2 mcm nie..yalah aku mls glak..

Hah!!aku call sorg colleague yg agak rapat ngan aku..

Myzz: Cney ktk?
Colleague: Heehe..mek otw g ofis..(slmberland jak nya jwb..)
Myzz: Masyaallah..kol brapa ktk bgn?
Colleague: Bgn awl,mek tdo gk smpey kol 9..heheee
Myzz: Ceh!ktk tgh driving kah?
Collegue: Aok syg.. (ewah..sedap mulut nggah aku syg!)
Myzz: K lah..bye


xpalah..aku mengabil keputusan utk membiarkan sahaja jadahan aku yg xda keja ari tok..dlm palak otak aku ms tok,NAK MAKAN!!


Blt lak snggh umah tunang ku jak ehzz..g mum2 sm2..


Hati kecil ku tersentuh kala mendengar bait2 lagu Rossa-Takdir Cinta.. teruslah aku rasa terlalu sayu..rasa nk nangis..Bodoh juak cdak dbah ya bkk lagu ya kuat2!Harus aku melayan prasaan aku dkala mendengar lagu itu..sob..sob..

Andaiku bisa lebih adil
pada cinta kau dan dia..
aku bkn nabi yg bisa sempurna,
ku tak luput dari dosa..

biarlah ku hidup seperti ini
takdir cinta harus begini
ada kau dan dia bkn ku yg mau
Oh Tuhan tuntunlah hatiku..


Haruskah aku melayan prasaan aku tok?Ish..Haruskah aku nganok cdak d bah ya? Sbb cdaklah aku trus-trusan melayan prasaan aku yg x tentu psl tok..


Ish..aku x suka prasaan tok!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


'Ku tak mungkin,kalis rindu..kalis pilu..bila kau tiada..'(smbil menyanyi kecil lagu Kalis Rindu-Elyana)

Tringat ms annual dinner last yr aku bak lagu tok..ahahaa..bertanding karaoke u..dpt juak no3..ahaahh..


Hari ini pay day!!Mcm2 dh dlm palak tok.. rasanya cm x snggup jak 'membuang' duit. Tapi yalah..suma ya adalah keperluan..Mampus la mun x d plh..even x byk..p AMOUNT nya menyeramkan...

1. Kereta
2. HSBC card & Loan
3. MBF Card

Ini semua jadahan aku ms kat SCB dolok..huh!!!eleh..nk x png makey ..wekkkk!!P utk diri sndiri,shopping brg2 keperluan adalah biasa,but dis mnth wanna change my hair colour.. lmk dh x mlh kerja ya..x kisahlah mun tunang aku nak mrh or wateva..ya pntg aku nk plh apa jak yg aku maok b4 KAWEN!!


N dis mnth juak aku nak plh sumthing dgn penuh keazaman! YA!KEAZAMAN! lucu jak.. actually bkn apa pun.nk kuruskan bdn jak..hehhee..even bg org2 sekeliling aku badan aku tok dh kurus,cam ney lah mun cdak ngga aku dlk?mungking cdak akn mdh aku JERANGKONG!bena aie..xcyk? tol x zee?dzan?tol x?Dlk berat aku 45-48kg jak..knk tok?54kg!!!Oh..TIDAKKKKKKK!!!!!

k..we will c. cam ney daya usaha aku untk menurunkan 9 kg..ahahaa..nk challange afzan lok..

dan dgn keazaman..momantai


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


aku pksa mlh blog br...

c nazie ya tek..suka glak..heheee(sowie ngeng!)..wat 2 do,blog lmk ya byk lak kenangan..even aku xpublish kan blog ya..biarlah aku jak yg tauk apa kandungan blog ya..

sadis aie..

sumanya tentang dia..

karna dia..

hanya dia..

biarlah sumanya hanya tnggl kenangan.dlm blog tok pun aku x tauk samada aku akn terkenangkan dia dan merapu ttg dia or x. biarlah..ney tauk time aku angol2 lak aku, adalah klak owh..

dia..pernah membuat kubahagia
dia.. yg dulu pernah ku sanjungi
pergi..sehingga kini tak tganti
hilang..dari pandangan hidup ini
membawa luka pedih x terperi..

ceh! hampeh!!!!
Hey!!..WAKE UP GIRL!!!!

hehee..emo jap tek!sorry mun aku tok x pndey glak memblog.aku pndey merapu jak.coz ya nang kerja aku..mmg aku dan hanya aku..heheheee..but i'll try my best..
